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Jeffrey Durmer

Jeffrey Durmer

Denver, CO
Sleep Neurologist and Neuroscientist

The deets.

Dr. Jeffrey Durmer is a neurologist, systems neuroscientist and board-certified sleep medicine physician with particular expertise in technology-enabled sleep health delivery systems. He is the Chief Medical Officer of Nox Health and co-founder of SleepCharge by Nox Health.


Where were you born and what was your childhood like?

I was born in Trenton, New Jersey. Trenton's saying is "what Trenton makes, the world takes." I was raised by two radically different humans: My mother is an artist, writer, poet and mystical being, while my father was a chemical engineer, inventor, latent Mad Man marketing executive, CEO and CEO coach. As a child, I was drawn to art, music, athletics and science. Becoming a physician was an early dream but one that I arrived at a bit later than most due to a circuitous route caused by many varied interests. 


What is your favorite way to de-stress? 

Hugging my wife and children always brings me back to the moment like a grounding rod for my worries. Swinging kettlebells, rowing, running or riding my bike also have a major positive effect on my mood. 


What is a quote that inspires you? 

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."—Aristotle


Who is someone you love to follow on social media? 

@sokolstrong on Instagram.


What is a goal that you have for yourself? 

To invest more time in teaching my 9-year-old son about Greek legends and Buddhist thought.


Describe your morning or evening ritual. 

Mornings, I am up around 7 a.m. with my 9-year-old. I prepare his breakfast and vitamins, we discuss the day ahead, and any preparation for the evening (like movie night or meeting up with friends), then I drive him to his elementary school in downtown Denver. On our drive we survey the Rocky Mountains to the west for the day's weather and we usually sing Grateful Dead tunes (his favorite is “Ripple”). Once at school, he's out the door with our usual salutation, "make it a great day!"

Once I return home, I fix a warm mug of MUD\WTR :rise with honey and meditate for 20-30 minutes before I start the day for myself.


What is your favorite way to make your mud? 

In a large mug I add boiling water to 1½ tablespoons of :rise, 1 tablespoon of :creamer and either dash of :sweetener or local Colorado honey.


How does MUD\WTR make you feel? 

Connected to the Earth. Relaxed and acutely alive.