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From how to make the perfect cup, to recipes, to secrets and more, this page has it all.

Scroll to find everything you need to know.

Person holding a coffee mug, sitting on sandy beach by the ocean edge.

This is your home base:

Your perfect cup

Spoonful of powder above a small ceramic cup.

Add 1 tbsp of any blend

Ceramic mug with water being poured into it from a spout.

Pour in 3/4 cup of hot milk or water, leaving some room for the frother's action

Cup with a handheld milk frother whisking inside.

Froth or mix with a spoon

Hand holding a cup of frothy coffee with sprinkled cinnamon on top.

Add milk, cream or sweetener and enjoy!

Watch how to make tutorial

Our Favorite Recipes

Barista pouring milk to create latte art in a coffee cup.

Original Latte

A glass of matcha chai with rose petals, next to MUD\WTR packaging and matcha powder.

Matcha Iced Latte

Glass of iced coffee with creamy foam and cinnamon on top.

Rest Banana Latte

A glass mug of orange juice garnished with lemon slices on a wooden board.

Turmeric Detox Tea

See all recipes

Pro Tip for the coffee lovers
You won’t give up your morning coffee, but hey let us be your second cup! You may find yourself feeling more energized than if you had more cups of coffee.

Pro Tip for the no-coffee trailblazers
Instead of coffee psyching you out at the start of the day, just try a cup of MUD\WTR instead! Benefits are felt when MUD\WTR is consumed every day.

Ask us anything

What are the differences between MUD\WTR and regular coffee?

How much caffeine is in MUD\WTR?

Where is it made?

Why is there sediment in my cup of MUD\WTR?

Are functional mushrooms the same as magic mushrooms? Will they make me trip?

What is up with this lead warning?