:rise Matcha Latte

Created by MUD\WTR

5 minute prep time

:rise Matcha Latte

Created by MUD\WTR

5 minute prep time

For those looking for an extra boost, try a :rise Matcha Latte.

With just a fraction of the caffeine of coffee, as well as the naturally occurring L-theanine found in green tea leaves, you get focus and immune support without the jitters, crash or poor sleep.

This recipe can be enjoyed hot or iced. 


  • 1 tbsp of :rise Matcha
  • 4-6 oz. hot water
  • Milk of choice
  • Optional: creamer or sweetener of choice 


  1. Drop a spoonful of :rise Matcha into the hot water. 
  2. (Optional) Add your choice of :sweetener
  3. Get frothing. Froth it real good. 
  4. Top it off with hot or steamed milk. 
  5. Sip and enjoy like the legend you are.

Get the ingredients